The Root Cause 

My practice doesn’t deal in diagnosis or prescriptions, so everyday parents and I have to evaluate the ROOT cause of a child’s behavior. We don’t gain any momentum by subduing symptoms in this practice model. In working to determine the root cause of what’s happening, we have to go deep.

And more times than not, it comes down to self-esteem.



-or Behavior Concerns… all pointing directly to self-esteem and in counseling, I begin to identify what SPECIFIC incident, circumstance, or relationship is slowly tearing away at their self-confidence and self-image.

It’s not always something from the past, many times it’s something or someone they engage with every day.

Is your child or teenager dealing with any of these three issues: Unmotivated, Anxious, or Behavioral Concerns? 

If so, ask yourself?

  • Does my child act in a way that leads me to believe they are internally and externally confident?
  • Am I sure what exactly is causing this lack of self-confidence, resulting in low self-esteem?
  • Could my child benefit from a short series of counseling sessions?

Sometimes going from being confused as a parent to clarity is found in asking the right question. 

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.

I’m in your corner.

Call (424) 245-5059 or schedule a FREE  Restoration Call here where we confidentially talk through your child’s greatest concern and you leave with one powerful, effective tool to utilize right away, plus an opportunity to start counseling.

Learn about our 5-week counseling program that gets to the ROOT of the issue in just 5 weeks. This is great for families who need immediate support.

 “Counseling with a holistic approach that works to heal the ROOT, supporting parents every step of the way.”